Udacity Cloud DevOps Lessons FAQ
3 min readJun 18, 2019
3. Deploy Infrastructure as Code (IAC)
Lesson1: Getting Started with CloudFormation
7. Creating Access Key ID
- Quiz question about Creating Access Key ID: When creating a new API Access user, you will… There are 4 options. I selected: create IAM user and assign IAM policy. its wrong. can you explain a bit more detail
- When you create a new API Access user you get some keys that you need to configure the AWS CLI for that user. Without this step you will not be able to use the created API Access user
Lesson 3:Networking Infrastructure
- It also says “Modify the provided CloudFormation script and deploy it. Where is this script? How many variables do we need in the Outputs section? The provided code below the video shows only two: VPC and PublicSubnets. The video shows him copying and pasting more variables than that. Do we need more than the two shown? If so, which other variables do we need?
In the example that we are working we are building this infrastructure
These are all of the outputs
Lesson 4: Servers and security groups
Video 6. Launch configuration
- I wonder if the UserData given below the video would even work. It copies from an s3 bucket, but when I try to read that bucket I get AccessDenied:
Please try to change the S3Uri to one of an object that you uploaded and that is publicly available
2. In the launch configuration video we can’t see all the script, please show it to us
All of these commands can be seen in detail in docker’s tutorial https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/