Truffle, Ganache FAQ — Udacity
2 min readMar 19, 2019
- The addresses in the Ganache CLI keep chainging every time I run it!
This is the solution:
ganache-cli -p 8545 -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"
You need to pass a mnemonic when you run ganache, otherwise it is going to create a different mnemonic each time and therefore different addresses
⚠️ Please note that in the command that I shared I am setting the port
, be sure to set the correct port
2. I am having problems with truffle and it says that it is a problem with the block gas limit.
Try 2 things:
- Increase the gas limit in ganache
- Increase the gas limit in the truffle configuration file
To increase the gas limit in ganache please do this: