Testing a container app or microservices app to deploy it to an AWS EKS cluster
Please follow the steps
1. Test locally with docker
Install docker in your local machine.
Build the docker image
Run the docker image
It works well, so it passes this test
If the test passes: Continue to the test Test locally with Minikube
- The problem is related to your app and docker image.
- You can be running the image incorrectly in docker.
Test locally with Minikube
Install Minikube in your local machine.
Create the resources
Wait until the pods are ready.
List the services and use minikube to expose that service in your local computer
Access the URL in your machine. If you can see the website then it works correctly.
If the test passes: Continue to the test Test in AWS EKS
- The problem is related to your kubernetes files where you define your Deployment and Service resources.
Test in AWS EKS
Install eksctl in your local machine.
Create the cluster using eksctl.
Create the resources
List the services and copy the external-ip that you are going to use later to access the website
List the pods to see if the are ready and the status is Running.
Then, access the external-ip
If the test passes: Continue to the Test in AWS EKS with your CICD pipeline
- The problem is related to the way that you are creating the cluster in aws and its configuration.
- The problem is related to how you connect and authenticate to the aws cluster
Test in AWS EKS with your CICD pipeline (optional)
To do…