Simple blue-green deployment in kubernetes using minikube, Capstone project, Cloud DevOps Nanodegree
- Redirect traffic from the blue container to the green container
- Install minikube
- Install docker
- Create an account in dockerhub
- Build the blue image from the blue folder. Adjust the name of the image to your own.
2. Push the image to docker hub from the blue folder. Adjust the name of the image to your own.
3. Build the green image from the green folder. Adjust the name of the image to your own.
4. Push the image to docker hub from the green folder. Adjust the name of the image to your own.
5. Start minikube to create the cluster
minikube start
How to deploy your microservices to kubernetes and access them with a Load Balancer External IP?
6. Create a replication controller blue pod
kubectl apply -f ./blue-controller.json
6. Create a replication controller green pod
kubectl apply -f ./green-controller.json
7. Create the service, redirect to blue and make it externally visible, we specify "type": "LoadBalancer"
kubectl apply -f ./blue-green-service.json
8. Get the URL of the service by running
minikube service bluegreenlb --url
9. You can now open the website blue in your browser by using the URL in the previous step
10. Update the service to redirect to green by changing the selector to app=green
11. Implement the changes
kubectl apply -f ./blue-green-service.json
12. Get the URL of the service by running
minikube service bluegreenlb --url
13. You can now open the website green in your browser by using the URL in the previous step