How to configure and execute a rolling update strategy in kubernetes?
I think that it would be better that you use rolling deployment. Why? In a real production application it would be better to use the built in rolling deployment system that kubernetes has built-in. It is very simple to use in kubernetes and the reason is because it is already implemented and the idea is to make it easy to use.
First, I want to recommend this great tutorial that I created in GitHub and this third party YouTube tutorial!!
The steps for activating a rolling deployment are very simple:
- Configure a rolling update:
The section rolling update of this tutorial is going to show how to do it.
2. Update your application by building the new docker image and then pushing the new docker image.
3. Trigger the rolling update
You can trigger a rolling update by updating the docker image and then with the command `kubectl set image` use the new image as shown in this example
Also, you can update the deployment and then apply the update with the command ‘kubectl apply’ s shown in this example
4. Kubernetes automatically will begin and manage the whole rolling deployment process.
5.Verify the status of the rolling deployment as shown in this tutorial
How to do it using CircleCI?
I want to recommend that you use this CircleCI orb and follow its example create-eks-deployment to implement the rolling update: